Wood Therapy: Can This Holistic Treatment Reduce Cellulite?

 Rolling pins and vacuum-suction cups are only a couple of the wooden handheld tools used in the intensive massage technique called "wood therapy." Wood therapy allegedly dates back hundreds of years and is Asian.

The popularity of the Wood Therapy Sydenham has increased, especially in South America, where it is known as maderoterapia. Spanish for wood is madera.

This method's proponents assert that it can lessen or eliminate cellulite.

Other alleged benefits include: enhancing lymphatic circulation; decreasing wrinkles; lowering stress; and offering a variety of other advantages.

None of these claims regarding the advantages of wood therapy have been investigated or supported by research.


Purported benefit

Given that
Facials Sydenham
treatment is a form of massage, it is probably safe to anticipate that you will gain the advantages of a massage, such as relaxation and relief from sore muscles.

Even the look of cellulite might be lessened. Correctly applied massage therapy can encourage lymphatic drainage, which might momentarily diminish cellulite's appearance.

Additionally, massage can lengthen and stretch skin tissue, which could result in smoother-looking skin.

However, there is little proof that these advantages can be sustained over time or that using wooden instruments improves them.

Massage and substances like lotions with retinoids or Trusted caffeine sources are not combined in wood therapy. These topical treatments might yield superior outcomes to massage or wood therapy alone.

Is it successful?

However, there may be advantages to massage for reducing cellulite. As a type of massage, wood therapy might also be helpful for momentarily reducing the visibility of cellulite.


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